Shani (Elise)'s Travels

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ilha do Mel: Island of Honey

We didn’t have class Friday, June 6th so most of the group decided to go to Foz de Iguaçu (where some of the largest waterfalls in the world are located) for the weekend. I decided to forgo the trip because I wanted to take Sydney there when she comes. Plus, I really needed to take advantage of the weekend to get some work done. Two others from the group, Elly and Eric, also decided to stay in Curitiba for the weekend. So on Friday, the three of us decided to take a day trip over to this coastal city we had learned about in a lecture, Paranaguá, which was about 1.5 hours away by bus. We had also heard about an island near there, that was a natural preserve where you could take a boat to and go exploring. By the time we got to Paranaguá, there was only one more ferry going across to the island. Since we weren’t sure what was there we decided not to risk getting stuck on the island, but all agreed we should stay the night in Paranaguá and catch the morning ferry over and check it out the next day. Then, we could still have all of Sunday for working. Plus, Paranaguá was a cute colonial port town that would be fun hanging out in for the day.

            So we bought one toothbrush to share between us, as well as shampoo that doubled as soap and found a hostel to stay in for the night. Then we went out for dinner and dancing. Only, nobody was dancing. It was 11:00 and everyone was just standing around, so Elly and I took over the floor and danced until we couldn’t dance anymore. And nobody ever joined us. It was really weird. They all just stood around and watched like we were some freak show or something. I always thought that Brazilians were supposed to be carefree and fun and the Americans were stiff and boring in those types of situations. Well…we had FUN.

            The next morning we rushed down to catch the boat for the 1-hour boat ride to Ilha do Mel, the island. Immediately, we became friends with these cute little Brazilian boys who were headed over to go surfing for the weekend. We made small talk until we finally arrived. I asked if we could follow them since we didn’t really know where we were going and of course they obliged. We stepped out onto the island and discovered a paradise. It was soooo cool! No cars are allowed on the island, so there are only these little sand trails all throughout that led to several pousadas or hut-like hotels and hostels, definitely catering to the surfer crowd. There were only a few restaurants and shops, again, all fashioned to the natural island theme. I felt like I was on Gilligan’s Island! And the beach was beautiful…a nice wide beach area surrounded by rocks perfect for exploring. Soooo, we decided to stay another night. I mean, we already had our toothbrush and soap, so why not? Although, by day three our clothes were pretty nasty. And, all I brought for the trip was $50 reais, equivalent to about U.S. $35 and an American Express card, which nobody accepted, of course. So, I was mooching off my friends for the weekend. It was well worth it though. We had a fabulous time. It was only after we returned and I was eating breakfast Monday morning when I noticed a little packet labeled mel that it dawned on me what the name of the island meant: Ilha do Mel = Island of Honey. Indeed. See for yourself…the pictures say it all.  Oh yeah…and what about our work you ask? C’mon…we’re in Brazil!

P.S. I can't take credit for the friends took most of them. Aren't they amazing?


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