Brazilians for Obama

So, it again hit home how much more knowledgeable the rest of the world is when it comes to world politics. After Barack won the Democratic primaries, the local newscast devoted 10 minutes to covering the event. Most of us don't even know who the ELECTED presidents/prime ministers are in other countries, much less who is running for office. Everywhere I go Brazilians are asking me who I am for: Barack, Hillary, or McCain. Even if they can't speak English, they still manage to ask who we like. And, I've bonded with many a Brazilian over the mutual support of Obama. I had a guy high-five me and give me a kiss after I told him I like Barack. It was so funny...and ohhh so gratifying.
To me, international relations is a major reason to support Barack. Having less of the world hating us is the best thing we can do to promote our homeland security. The excitement of Obama-fever has spread throughout the world. Now, we have to make sure we can deliver. Please, please, please, listen to Barack's speech on race that I have posted a link to. Sorry, I couldn't resist putting in a plug for him...
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