Shani (Elise)'s Travels

Monday, July 10, 2006

Somewhere in Costa Rica

Ok...For those of you who gave the advice to go to Costa Rica...I did it! I'm here! But, I'm not really sure what town I'm in. This is such an adventure. Here's a recap of the past couple of days. I decided to take a week off of Spanish lessons, to let my brain absorb some of the info that has been thrown at me for the past 3 weeks. So, I thought I would head down to San Juan del Sur, a little beach town, in the southwest corner of Nic. It's very close to Costa Rica. I was thinking I would take some surf lessons, because it's really cheap. I got off the bus, at like 6:00 p.m. and found the hostel I wanted to stay at. It was full. So, I'm wandering around town trying to find a place to stay and there's hardly anything available. While doing this, I met this guy from New Zealand who's also looking for a room, so we walk around together to look. After it's apparent we would not find any dormitory rooms, we're like "um...soooo uh, I know I've only known you for five minutes, but, uh, you want to split a double room with me?" Sure. I gotta sleep somewhere. In the meantime, we run into a friend of his who is also looking for a now three of us are in on it. We finally found a room...with three stay the night. We go out for pizza and cervaza, where they meet up with someone else they know...they are all leaving for costa rica the next day. The next morning, at breakfast, they're like "why don't you come with?" I look outside at the pouring rain, and think "Okay, no surfing today. I'll go to Costa Rica instead." So, I hopped on the bus and was off. The plan was to follow wherever they went, whatever they did, because I didn't have a guide book and I knew nothing about Costa Rica. We rode in the bus all morning...going over the border was interesting. I'm so happy I wasn't doing it alone. When we finally stopped to switch busses, it was POURING down rain, but luckily, there was a busstop sheltor. NOne of those in Nicaragua. Then across the street, a tv was spotted ...with the WORLD CUP FINAL playing. Since one of the guys was British, it was imperative that we get over to watch it. It was good, actually. I got to see the headbutt. And I got to eat chinese food. But, this meant we wouldn't make it to our final destination in one day. We stayed in some small town overnight, where we met a really cool couple from Holland. We all agreed to travel together to the final destination. Notice I keep saying "final destination," because I still don't know the name of the town I'm in. We get off the bus, I stop to exchange email addresses with the Holland couple and the guys walk off. I go to catch up, but they are nowhere to be found. So, I'm wandering around this town, no guidebook, wondering what to do. Then I see other backpackers who were on the bus with us earlier and ask if I can tag along with them to the hostel they are going to. Sure. The name of the place they are staying at is Gringo Pete's. So much for improving my Spanish this week. Gringos everywhere. But, Costa Rica is beautiful...I really enjoyed the busride today. I finally found the guys, again, who got me here. But, I just bought a way overpriced guidebook and so I don't need them anymore. On my own again. I think I'll go read my book now. Stayed tuned.


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