Trip Preparation
Hello to All--I'm trying out different blog sites to see which one I like best for my upcoming trip to Nicaragua. I have a myspace, but you have to be a member to view it. Somehow, I'm not seeing my grandparents getting a myspace account to keep up with my travels. So, I'm totally copying off Megan and Ben, who, along with Mike Jones, are my inspiration for taking the trip to Central America. I only hope I can continue to inspire others in the same way. Thank you my dear friends. Soooo, it is. I'll try to do a different template, though. ; )
Right now I'm going a little crazy trying to finish up work, prepare for school, move, get insurance, etc. etc. But, I fly out of Miami on June 17th and I'm off for two months. Yay!
Feel free to give me suggestions or advice, as this will be my first time out of N. America. Looking forward to hearing from you! Take care--Shani Elise
P.S. As some of you know, I've been trying in vain to change what name I go by--from Shani, to Elise (my middle name)--but some of you refuse to let it work. Since I'm going to be in Latin America, (where they don't have the "sh" sound I'm told), I'm thinking this might be my big chance. So we'll see how it works. Don't you think Elise is so much nicer and flowy-er sounding?
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